Why the title "There is a better way"?

Well here I am. My first blog! This is something I've wanted to do for years, but FINALLY it has come to pass. Where's the champagne?!
I guess for my first post I should at least explain why I chose this title for my blog.
When I was a boy of 9 or 10 years old, my family lived in St. Louis, MO. A large bank there called Boatman's Bank was running an extensive marketing campaign during that time. At the end of each of their commercials there was a tag line that was sung. It was female voice simply singing the words, "There is a better way". The idea of there being a better way of doing things infatuated me. What if I looked at life that way? Well, that's pretty much been a theme of my life since. I tend to look at any situation with an attitude of:
"There is a better way... now, let's find it!"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Dreams vs. Reality

Doing what you love. I am not going to pretend that my life is as simple as doing what I love and making millions at it. There is an idea out there that says if you do what you love, you'll be successful and make money. Well, I suppose if you are looking at Oprah, Bill Gates or J.K. Rowling it would appear that life is as simple as that. But before you quit your job and go do something you've dreamed of, remember that those names previously mentioned were not always household names. There was a time when they weren't known. So where is the balance in all of this? Always be working TOWARD your dreams. Even if you "job" isn't what you dream of, be immersing yourself in everything you can that does contribute to your dream. I don't claim to be living out my dreams entirely, but I am constantly working towards it. I make it a point to know the right people and be involved in the right things.

Take stock of your life. If you aren't living out your dream.... what are you waiting for? It is NOT going to just pop in front of you one day like a lucky lottery ticket found on the sidewalk. You may have to do things that are less than desirable right now, but what ARE you doing that is contributing to your dreams? Who do you know? What are you good at? How are you using your gifts and talents? How do people know what your dreams are? Do others know what you are good at? How do you exhibit yourself?

hmmmm..... lots to think about!


G said...

I've been thinking about your words. So... each day, no matter how small, I take one action to bring myself closer to my dream. No matter how small. And sometimes, on busy days, it's pretty damn small. But it's feeling so good to know I'm moving in one direction instead of another, or just standing still. :)

Joel Barrett said...

What a great attitude! Keep up the good work!!